Health & Medical Services

Comprehensive Primary Care Service

Comprehensive Primary Care Service

The Comprehensive Primary Care service in Balclutha will be coordinated by a Community Care Co-Ordinator who is based in Dunedin but will also travel when required to Balclutha. This role in Balclutha involves providing co-ordination of care, as part of inter-disciplinary working in a comprehensive primary and community team for Pasifika people and whānau at greatest risk of poor health outcomes.

This service aims to:

• improve equity of access and health outcomes for Māori, Pacific Peoples, Tāngata Whaikaha and people living in rural and highly deprived areas

• enable assessment, early diagnosis, treatment and condition management, extended care services, hospital avoidance/early supported discharge activity as well as acute, planned, and preventative care

• deliver services and supports to enhance the wellbeing of whānau, including having a focus on health, Manaaki or wellbeing and the social determinants of health

• develop and strengthen partnerships with other providers and organizations.

• focus on a seamless experience of care and support for the person and their whānau.

How to Access This Service

Step 1:

Contact the person below to book an appointment.

Step 2:

Fill out the registration form below and bring the form with you to your appointment or email through to

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Ke Tatala Mental Health Service

Kindly note that this service is NOT an Emergency Service.

Welcome to Ke Tatala Mental Health Service*

Ke Tatala service offers a nurturing and supportive environment where individuals and families from the community who might be experiencing challenges and stresses can share their personal stories and enhance their mental wellbeing. Our Pasifika-centered service provides a Pasifika informed approach to create a safe space for respectful and confidential Talanoa (conversations) with experienced mental health professionals.

The Mental Health Aere Mai Coordinator will warmly welcome you to the service and talanoa with you about your strengths and challenges as well as assessing with you the next steps of your journey. The journey might take you to other services outside of the organization or it might offer possibilities of connecting with people within Pacific Trust Otago.

Ke Tatala service also offers the opportunity to link with a mental health clinician who would further assess with you the most appropriate ways of supporting you in an ongoing way. Our offerings include individual, family, and group sessions, ensuring tailored support for every unique situation.

Join us at the Ke Tatala service, where we stand by you and your loved ones, providing guidance and support every step of the way.

*Ke Tatala comes from the Tongan saying, “Ke tatala e pulonga,” which means "Lift the dark clouds.” Ke tatala can be translated as “to lift or to peel back”.

How to Access This Service

Step 1:

Contact the person below to book an appointment.

Step 2:

Fill out the registration form below and bring the form with you to your appointment or email through to

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Tinā-i-Tinā (Mother-to-Mother) Breastfeeding Peer-Support Service

Tinā-i-Tinā' is a Sāmoan phrase, translated to mean, 'mother-to-mother'. This phrase epitomizes this service as a support group led by mothers, for mothers.

Providing support for our Pasefika women to increase breastfeeding knowledge, confidence, and enjoyment for mother, baby and the whole family. This is a free service funded by Te Whatu Ora Southern.

We have identified the need for such a service, as research and data show that the breastfeeding rates within the Pasifika Community are very low. This could be due to lack of relevant information or cultural support for Pasifika, which is where we at Pacific Trust Otago, are able to provide a safe space for our mothers-to-be and mothers to talanoa with confidence.

The National Feeding Data at Discharge Report 2021 (NZBA)states “The exclusive breastfeeding rate for Pacific infants has further declined by 1.91% over the last year to 69.64%. Exclusive breastfeeding for Pacific infants has declined every year, over the past 8 years. The report also shows the highest percentage of artificially fed infants are from Pasifika families.

How to Access This Service

Step 1:

Contact the person below to book an appointment.

Charlotte Anne Kareroa
Finau Taungapeau
Step 2:

Fill out the registration form below and bring the form with you to your appointment or email through to

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Well Child Service Tamariki Ora

Visiting families with tamariki aged 6 weeks to 3 years.

We weigh and measure the babies and toddlers and offer support and education around many topics such as breastfeeding, safe sleep, nutrition, oral health and behavior, to ensure these tamariki grow and develop to their full potential.

How to Access This Service

Step 1:

Contact the person below to book an appointment.

Step 2:

Fill out the registration form below and bring the form with you to your appointment or email through to

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Pacific Outreach Services

We have a range of health services FREE and available to our Pasifika communities. Contact Theresa ( for any queries on what is on offer.

Health services available:

- Womens Health (Cervical Screening)

- Men's Health

- Cardiovascular Risk Assessment (CVRA)

- Immunization services

These services above are led by Theresa Su'a (RN) who is on hand to provide those who come in an opportunity to talk about the any concerns and to deliver vaccinations.

The CVRA clinic runs every Tuesday from 10:00am-4:00pm (FREE no appointment needed).

Please check on Events or follow our Facebook for details on our Pop-up vaccination clinics and health related events throughout the year.

How to Access This Service

Step 1:

Contact the person below to book an appointment.

Theresa Su'a-Faailo
Finau Taungapeau
Step 2:

Fill out the registration form below and bring the form with you to your appointment or email through to

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The Community Based Whanau Dietetic clinic is run in conjunction with preventative measures through targeted health promotion initiatives aiming to have positive impacts on our Pasifika families.

The service aims to improve the self-care, health and well-being of Pasifika families, reducing the burden of obesity and health related issues. The service delivery incorporates the Pasifika cultural values, principles and the learnt experiences working with Pasifika people using a culturally appropriate approach to cater for the needs of our families.

It provides holistic support through the integration of Pacific Trust Otago services and referral to outside services according to need.

 The service works with Pasifika individuals, their families, and communities in providing healthy lifestyle education and support:
  • To better understand their health conditions,
  • To improve their health issues,
  • To achieve their health goals.
  • Health promotion part includes the weekly exercise to support not only clients and families but also the wider Dunedin Pasifika population, presentations to church groups & communities, cooking classes, workshops, encouraging and help set up healthy nutrition policies, etc.

How to Access This Service

Step 1:

Contact the person below to book an appointment.

Finau Taungapeau
Step 2:

Fill out the registration form below and bring the form with you to your appointment or email through to

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Health Link

The navigator supports people access health services (GPs, Hospital appointments) with advocacy, advice and transport.

How to Access This Service

Step 1:

Contact the person below to book an appointment.

Step 2:

Fill out the registration form below and bring the form with you to your appointment or email through to

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